Quantum Recast: Your Favorite Films, Recast In Different Years
We are a time-traveling film podcast that journeys through time to take classic films, blockbusters and cult favorites, to recast them in different years!
Quantum Recast: Your Favorite Films, Recast In Different Years
Planes, Trains and Automobiles: A Thanksgiving Survival Guide
Finding yourself dreading Turkey Day? Cory and Nick deep dive the holiday from a cinematic point of view, to help you find movies and TV episodes to watch, as they try to figure out what qualifies as a "Thanksgiving Movie." As a bonus, they both recast the classic, holiday buddy road trip, "Planes, Trains, & Automobiles" in different years!
As the leaves turn and the air gets crisp, we find ourselves reflecting on Thanksgiving—a holiday often overshadowed by its festive neighbors, Halloween and Christmas. Why does Thanksgiving seem to linger in the background while the rest of the world rushes to deck the halls? Join us as we share some personal tales of turkey day traditions, from football to family feasts, and ponder the lack of a solid Thanksgiving cinematic universe.
We roll up our sleeves and take on the curious mystery of Thanksgiving movies—or the glaring lack thereof. What makes a movie fit for this autumnal festivity? Is it the aroma of home-cooked meals or the golden hue of falling leaves? We debate the classics like "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving," and stretch our imaginations, wondering if films like "Dead Poets Society" or "Knives Out" could fit the bill. It's a fun, nostalgic exploration that will have you rethinking your holiday watch list and maybe even considering a "rogue" Thanksgiving choice.
Whether you're lounging in your stretchy pants post-feast, or dreading the possible awkward conversations ahead, this episode promises a hearty helping of holiday options. So grab a slice of pumpkin pie, tune in, and let's celebrate Thanksgiving with laughter and a few unexpected movie picks.
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Cory Williams (@thelionfire)
Nick Growall (@nickgrowall)
Co-Hosts (Season 6):
Aly Dale (@alydale55)
Ash Hurry (@filmexplorationah)
Cass Elliott (@take5cass)
Terran Sherwood (@terransherwood)
Voice of the Time Machine:
Kristi Rothrock (@letzshake)
Editing by:
Nick Growall
Featured Music:
"Quantum Recast Theme" - Cory Williams
"Charmer" - Coat...
Welcome to another episode of Quantum Recast. I was thinking about singing like a festive Thanksgiving song coming in, but there are none.
Speaker 2:There's zero, zero Thanksgivings. You could sing something for Pocahontas, I guess, but yeah, but like. I don't remember anything but Colors of the Wind. That's just revisionist history, man. Yeah, you're right, you're right, you're right. Yeah, so on this episode.
Speaker 1:We we're gonna talk about Thanksgiving because the best holiday of the year, because it gets a bad rap. All right, we're probably the only podcast in the oversaturated market of podcasts that's doing an episode on Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:Damn it we're taking, we're giving it its time. Everybody else already jumped to Christmas yeah and we're like, well, hold on now, hold on a second.
Speaker 1:Let's, let's, let's be reasonable about this so, nick, when you think of thanksgiving, like four things come to mind sure and probably in this order, um football okay okay, I think probably at the top of the list sure, sure food and family probably tie or jump back between two and third, just depending on your family situation rotates, yeah, I mean, food's always good. Family get leave or take, I guess depends on what what you do shows up yeah, um, and then parades or just the parade.
Speaker 2:The parade mainly if you wake up early enough, you get to watch the parade.
Speaker 1:I don't even know if towns like have thanksgiving. I don't even know if our small town here has a thanksgiving parade.
Speaker 2:I don't think we do very highly like we have a vet.
Speaker 1:We're in the south so we have a veterans day parade we're really finished South so we have a Veterans Day parade. We're really fetishist about military, so we're like, hey, they get one, and then it's kind of like do we want to have another one before Christmas?
Speaker 2:That's a really short period of time. That's a lot of parades. I just got the Halloween decorations down. The spiderwebs are hard to get out. Maybe we just hold off.
Speaker 1:Black Friday is coming up. I don't know if that's actually part of Thanksgiving, because it happens. Well, it used to happen after Right Now.
Speaker 2:They've tried to save people's literal lives and go like we're going to soft open Black Friday on Thanksgiving Day.
Speaker 1:I miss when Black Friday was survive, die or survive. Man, you want to get your family affordable gifts, then you should have to put your life on the line.
Speaker 2:None of this. Oh, walmart black friday deal started in september. It starts at 5 pm on thanksgiving day. Now, cory, that's no, it's like happening now. It's now the black friday deals are like happening three weeks before thanksgiving on the internet I think a majority of americans and the world have just kind of given up on thanksgiving yeah they've just said you know what?
Speaker 2:I'm putting up my tree tomorrow. Look, court, the world's not in the best state at all right now, so everybody's just going. I'm putting up my tree and I'm playing some tunes and I got to be happy, I got to enjoy myself while I can.
Speaker 1:So okay, so lacking from that list, though that I've read right Like family football food parades. And then, I guess, black Friday, which used to just happened the day after, which was really just day one of christmas yes um, because it's about shopping, the commercialism set in. But now I guess thanksgiving can now claim black friday, since it happens now all of november.
Speaker 2:I guess they can say, cory, I've been saying it for years that thanksgiving it's just a pre-game. It's just a pre-game for christmas. Lacking from that list is movies.
Speaker 1:That's true, that's true there's just not a lot of holiday like Thanksgiving. Holiday movies there are not Like if you.
Speaker 2:if you ask the regular person, hey, name a Thanksgiving on a, on a family feud or something they're going to bring up Charlie Brown, or planes, trains and automobiles, I would say they're going to say Charlie Brown. They'll probably say Charlie Brown first and when.
Speaker 1:Steve Harvey says show me Charlie Brown. It's going to be like. 90% of the survey said that one Planes, trains and Automobiles will get like a seven. Yeah, he'll get a seven, and then I think just Miscellaneous gets the remaining three or like a shoulder shrug if that's an option on Family Feud.
Speaker 2:So why do you think we don't have that many Thanksgiving movies?
Speaker 1:Okay, so there's a lot of reasons, I think.
Speaker 2:Okay, it's a subdued holiday.
Speaker 1:It's kind like. It's like you show up and you're supposed to be thankful and no one wants to be thankful everyone.
Speaker 2:Everyone dreads thanksgiving like christmas.
Speaker 1:At least there's presents, you know there's eggnog show up with a good attitude.
Speaker 2:There's movies annoying out the gate you can be distracted by basketball and now football, I guess, and and presents and movies, but thanksgiving that's. You just gotta take that thing raw like you can't.
Speaker 1:You can't get away from it no one wants to be there and also it's forced. Man, I mean like, don't get me wrong, I know some people have really great families yeah, yeah in my house, thanksgiving has always been this forced thing where it's like all right, let's all show up and smile at each other.
Speaker 2:I guess we gotta I guess we gotta make some turkey and do my mom. My mom, uh, tapped out, she's retired from thanksgiving. She, after cooking thanksgiving meals not just for our family but extended family for multiple years now, she just says you know what I'm pre-ordering at cracker barrel. We're calling it good because it tastes just as fine. And I'm and I've told her I'm like I'm totally down with this. Don't, don't make this stressful. It's already stressful enough yeah, no for sure.
Speaker 1:And like I, I think my mom's doing something similar this year. She's told us, like I'm not cooking like main street barbecue or someone like in town like says we'll sell you a thanksgiving dinner right, you just gotta basically reheat it or whatever. Yeah and so I and I'm like that's fine with me, um, but now, like I'm the youngest child in my family, like, and I'm almost 40, my sister's nearly 50 and my parents are, you can't supposed to say that on the air.
Speaker 1:Sorry, she's older than you she, she's mid-40s, mom's pushing 70, dad's in his 70s, and so it's kind of like, and I have one nephew, we only have one child holding all the holiday stuff together.
Speaker 2:I think if this one child, my nephew didn't exist, we wouldn't do holidays. Yeah, the kids are monumental. As you become an adult with your family, you've got to have the nieces and nephews or your own kids, you know, and that really was what keeps the magic alive.
Speaker 1:There's been a few years where my mom has convinced us, like let's just go to a casino and have a buffet.
Speaker 2:I went. So in my hometown we went to a restaurant local restaurant and ate at the buffet there for several years. Yeah so yeah, it's an option.
Speaker 1:It's kind of like. It's like being Jewish on Christmas. It's like in my family Thanksgiving. It's like we're not. We're going to go to a restaurant.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're just. We're going to all this stress about cooking stuff, like look, look, it's right. Cracker Barrel's right there, it's fine.
Speaker 1:And so it's, it's, it's, it's fun, it's interesting, but, like it's, it's one of those things where it's like we kind of need Thanksgiving movies as a buffer, maybe.
Speaker 2:I think you're right.
Speaker 1:Football just puts people in a bad mood.
Speaker 2:He always got someone pissed off in the room. Listen, the Cowboys suck. The Lions are finally good this year and they always have a Thanksgiving game.
Speaker 1:So I guess Detroit will be happy, michigan will be good, but the rest all these Cowboys fans across the nation. I'm sorry about you, but it's not going to get any better, and we live just north of Dallas, man.
Speaker 2:There's just going to be a lot of bad moods on Thanksgiving, and that's going to lead into Black Friday.
Speaker 1:Um, also, I think another reason is that thanksgiving's like okay if you take christmas, pisses me off okay because every year they take more like territory like I mean it's just, at some point they're gonna have the whole year, oh lowes, and home depot and walmart, they have their christmas stuff the section is already there before halloween is done christmas is hitler's germany and my favorite holiday is poland. Man, we're right there, like we're we are we are the border, like they've already taken Thanksgiving man, christmas is already like rendered.
Speaker 2:Thanksgiving. Who's England in this, in this scenario? Is it? Is it fourth of July?
Speaker 1:that's America we got to be drug in, okay, okay.
Speaker 2:So before that you'd have to have like labor day, labor day. Yeah, we're holding, we're holding on and so like, um, but that's.
Speaker 1:That's the thing, though, like I'm pissed all the time because my favorite holiday, just every year I lose a little bit more of it, sure, sure, because of christmas.
Speaker 2:Now to be fair, cory, and maybe it's just that my or the change in age and stuff as well, like I've become, halloween's become higher on the tier list for me like it's. It's almost 1b, 1a for me now and potentially taking over, just because it's fun, like there's not this, like not that.
Speaker 1:I don't love my family, but there's not anybody, anything yeah you don't buy anybody.
Speaker 2:You get to. You get to. It's all about you and your friends. Whoever you want to hang out, you choose what you want to do. You want to dress up cool. You want to stay in and watch horror movies all night? Absolutely there's no wrong way to do it, really, unless you're just hating on people because it's the devil's night or something.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and like Halloween's not doing it. By the way, they're not pulling this crap Labor Day's in no trouble. No, there's no trouble At all Halloween's like you have your Labor Day and then you start.
Speaker 2:I always make the argument that we need more Halloween time. Me too Like, and I never understand why Halloween movies aren't released in October because you'll have, like, the September Beetlejuice came out September 6th. I don't know To give you time, I guess, but movies don't last two weeks. It just doesn't take, yeah, not anymore Like you need to release that October's first, middle of October or early October if you want rush at thanksgiving and try to just extend itself.
Speaker 1:you know what?
Speaker 2:halloween's problem is cory is it needs more lore? Think?
Speaker 2:about plenty of no no but think about, think about christmas, especially like from the catholic tradition. Like that thing starts early and there's, there's, they got dates and stuff from, from like candlelight all the way to like potentially february, depending on who you ask. Like this, this thing stretches and they can make excuses just to do whatever they want, keep the tree up as long as they want, and this is coming from a Christmas person, like it's starting to even affect me where I'm like, okay, guys, maybe it's just again the state of the world that we're in right now, but I'm like, guys, do we really want to just kickstart this right away? Like I'm just now kind of getting into the Christmas mood, which I feel is natural state of affairs.
Speaker 1:I, I mean like I don't know, it's just.
Speaker 2:Everybody's talking about the war on Christmas, and what we're talking about, guys, is the war on Halloween, exactly, and we're not even talking about Thanksgiving, which is what the whole episode's about. That tells you how unimportant Thanksgiving is to everyone.
Speaker 1:It is. It's all a bunch of Xmas versus Christmas. It's like, oh my gosh, you got three months of it so but, okay, but, but okay, but that's my thing though. If you take Christmas and Halloween, though those are seasonal holidays. Like October, we're in Halloween mode. The day after Halloween we're in Christmas mode for some dumbass reason, but like Thanksgiving's a day.
Speaker 2:You know what?
Speaker 1:the problem is we don't seasonally celebrate. No one's getting their shit out right now.
Speaker 2:There's not enough money in Thanksgiving, corey, that's the problem. See costumes, candy costumes, candy party favors alcohol, if that's your thing. Christmas on the other side also maybe alcohol, but gifts and clothes and songs and movies and music and everything. There's not enough money in the Thanksgiving business.
Speaker 1:Let me ask you this Is Thanksgiving, the most sacrosanct thing then. Are we protecting it Because we're not allowing it to be commercialized?
Speaker 2:No one cares about it, but it's the thing everyone still feels like. Dads still feel compelled to do Like they're like no, we gotta have Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:We're Americans, man, we want the dumb stuff. I mean it is our holiday technically, we don't like Thanksgiving because we're like eh.
Speaker 2:I mean and it doesn't also help three okay like aside from the fact that it's just a day and no one really gears up for thanksgiving, sure, like don't. No pumpkins, no trees, I guess it most some like basic white girls put up some extra. In the 90s used to have like the the, you know the cowboys and indians kind of pilgrim and indians throw some hay bales outside or something I don't know we're all confused about, like what's even appropriate to celebrate about the holiday anymore.
Speaker 1:Um, because it's a Point three clunky history, yeah, clunky history.
Speaker 2:Because we were growing up, we were told this is when the Indians excuse me, native Americans and the pilgrims all sat down.
Speaker 1:Well, we were grown up. They would have just said Indians. Yeah, they would have said Indians In school.
Speaker 2:They would not have said Native Americans.
Speaker 1:This is when we all sat down and then, uh, the pilgrims gave, uh, the indians blankets, you know right full of diseases, so that they could take their land because you're dead, my land so um, that's, that's so. You're kind of like oh so we celebrate this? What is this?
Speaker 2:you grow up and you're like wait, what are we doing? It's kind of like when everyone's starting to figure out columbus day, why do we do this?
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like the guy thought he discovered India. He's an idiot.
Speaker 2:He just decided to murder Native Americans. He's a moron.
Speaker 1:He literally wrote letters back to England saying like oh dude, these natives can be so enslaved so easy. Like literally verbatim. That simple and you're like, wow, he got a holiday. Oh, ghost the show, cory, ghost the show, yeah, I know, but but hey now it's indigenous people's day too.
Speaker 2:They also said, yeah, screw that guy.
Speaker 1:We're slowly taking it over, so and then if you're, if you're like into the viking side of it, you got lee ferrison day, if you're, if you're a viking purist yeah, they were here first.
Speaker 2:That's right, that's right so um, I love it.
Speaker 1:I love that we're just cannot agree on who was here first, when it's very clear there were people living here.
Speaker 2:It's like they're all going who discovered America first? It's like every Native American tribe's like guys. We've literally been here.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like this is just home.
Speaker 2:Sorry, we didn't have a phone or a letter to let you guys know. Hey, add this to your map.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we didn't expect Vikings or Spaniards to show up and wreck shop. So it has a bad history. And then the biggest thing, it's between the two bigs man.
Speaker 2:The two bigs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's between Halloween and Christmas.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, it gets suffocated. Man, it's the middle child. That's what it is.
Speaker 1:That spark can't catch a flame man. It cannot. It cannot. Halloween and Christmas take up all the oxygen.
Speaker 2:And they Halloween and Christmas, taking up all the oxygen. They're just stuck in the middle. The two are warring with each other. Really, it's Christmas, trying to take more space from Halloween Thanksgiving's. Like guys, I can barely breathe right now, please.
Speaker 1:We should also speak that we live in the southern part of the United States, the Midwest, and so fall.
Speaker 2:Doesn't exist.
Speaker 1:Halloween okay, doesn't really exist. Fall we get like two days of it here. Fall doesn't exist. Halloween okay, it doesn't really exist. Fall we get like two days of it here, but it's more of a fall season pushes into december right, which is why we're kind of like halloween. Yeah, we should still be talking about halloween or thanksgiving, should get something, because we're not going to get snow or cold weather till almost january, right like christmas.
Speaker 1:It could be 80 on christmas here it can so I'm wondering if up north they're're like Christmas should be year-round.
Speaker 2:Probably it's always cold. They're like what is with this Halloween?
Speaker 1:No, they probably get seasons. No, they're super into Halloween up there because fall's real.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, they actually get leaves and changing of colors. It doesn't all just happen in a week.
Speaker 1:Yeah, my sister went to Sleepy Hollow the town in October and she said it was awesome, awesome.
Speaker 2:Bucket list item.
Speaker 1:I know. So that's why Thanksgiving just gets lost in the middle of it. So Hollywood said why should it get movies?
Speaker 2:That's fair, that's fair.
Speaker 1:Collectively, they said well, and again I get it. Like your studios. You're like hey, someone comes in and says let's make a Thanksgiving movie.
Speaker 2:You're like or you can make a Christmas or Halloween movie, Right yeah, or you just make it, you know fall. Yeah, fall is a better option than Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:Yeah you're like Thanksgiving, yeah, and like the few movies that exist that take place on Thanksgiving, it's usually just about dysfunctional families.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah.
Speaker 1:Or just dysfunction in general.
Speaker 2:Do we have a list of excuse me, thanksgiving movies?
Speaker 1:Well, my next question before we get to the movies.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Is Thanksgiving, more TV friendly. In the sense of I'm just saying like let's just say, nick, you are one of the few people in the world or in this country that are like Thanksgiving is my jam, okay, Like screw Halloween, screw Christmas.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because there are people who are just triggered by our conversation right now already just getting mad. Screw both. Both of those holidays give me more thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:So let's say you're one of those.
Speaker 1:Let's just say you're a 50 year old mom okay, who loves her family yeah, yeah and so um and loves thanksgiving got it and you wanted to put together like a like, a like, a viewing part, like a thanksgiving movie night.
Speaker 2:Well, you're kind of screwed your options are limited a lot. You got the charlie brown thing. You got planes, trains, automobiles. You got and then We'll talk more later.
Speaker 1:You got some other stuff, but nothing great. But you could probably find 100 TV episodes.
Speaker 2:This is true On Thanksgiving, I think that's the hard part is that TV episodes are harder to find. You can't just type in hey, give me the Friends Thanksgiving episode.
Speaker 1:Well, I think we're getting to that point, though, where you probably will in the next, if it's not already a thing like peacock will probably have thanksgiving, and it'll plug all the thanksgiving episodes from whatever shows it had.
Speaker 2:We're getting there, they do it for christmas.
Speaker 1:They do it for halloween at some point someone's gonna go. Hey, there's thanksgiving episodes right, because I mean like fresh prince of bel-air friends, seinfeld simpsons. They're all gonna have thanksgiving episodes. I know cheers has one of my favorite thanksgiving episodes. They all go to Ray Perlman's house. It's a lot of fun. Frasier has some good ones. Bob's Burgers has really top tier Thanksgiving episodes.
Speaker 2:I mean even the Simpsons has Thanksgiving episodes, like everybody's, all the classic shows. I mean how I Met your Mother has Slapsgiving their Thanksgiving episode really ripples throughout the whole show. Yeah, it does. That's true.
Speaker 1:It's an important episode, alright okay, and so that 70s show has Thanksgiving episode. I mean, it's just whatever Full House has multiple, it's going to be great. I'm just saying maybe Thanksgiving we need to shift from movies to television.
Speaker 2:Okay, the normal thing when you try to find an episode is you look it up online, then you try to find what streamer the TV has it or you go to YouTube.
Speaker 1:An episode is you?
Speaker 2:look it up online. Then you try to find what. What streamer, the tv has it or you go to youtube and go episode and sometimes some, some graceful soul will like upload a christmas episode in low def from a potato and then, like you, can watch that it's got the old pizza hut, big commercials still in it.
Speaker 1:Okay, and you? Have just enough peace of mind for 23 minutes to uh, to not be talking about politics or anything else yeah, for sure, um, so I was just gonna bring that up, that maybe, if you are one of the holiday or you know, thanksgiving purists out there just maybe start getting your.
Speaker 2:Get your list together, your tv episode list, because also tv shows, especially old sitcoms, they're safe. Your mom can watch it, your dad can watch it, your grandpa can watch it, the little kids can watch it. Safe, the little kids can watch it, it's safe.
Speaker 1:Corey, yeah, because it's made for TV.
Speaker 2:I do think the Sopranos has a Thanksgiving episode so maybe don't put that one on, maybe not that, but that's HBO, that's not cable, that's not cable satellite. Yeah, you know that that's not safe. Yeah, did they have?
Speaker 1:Thanksgiving in Westeros.
Speaker 2:No, okay, they had Name Day, feast Birthday. Didn't go well, that didn't go well. No, no also.
Speaker 1:Maybe don't put that one on for the children. Don't play that one um, so okay, so nick we're talking about thanksgiving movies and we know that the main two, sure which I really think there's a main one? Yeah, I think there's the charlie brown thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:When you run out of think, when you don't want to watch charlie brown three times in a row, you go. Hey, what about that?
Speaker 1:steve martin, john candy movie yeah, there's planes, automobile, which is a Thanksgiving movie.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah.
Speaker 1:But again not conventional.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:So what? But obviously there are Thanksgiving movies. They don't have the hits. No, they don't they just don't have the same hits.
Speaker 2:Not quite.
Speaker 1:October. I can't watch all of the Halloween movies I want to watch.
Speaker 2:It's impossible, there's too many.
Speaker 1:So you just kind of go. Which ones am I going to hit this year? Christmas, Christmas, I'm a little, since I'm less Christmassy, I have the same ones.
Speaker 2:I watch every year. I rarely deviate from that list. I've gotten to the point where I know the ones that I will probably watch with my family, so a lot of times I'm just digging for now I'm digging to find what's that secret movie?
Speaker 1:that's actually pretty good that nobody talks about. So I mean, and we'll have a Christmas episode and we can dive deeper into that type of stuff, but so you have okay. So what in your mind makes a Thanksgiving movie? Because I think the reason I'm asking this is we have to get loose with the criteria. Yeah, it can't necessarily involve the holiday, I don't think.
Speaker 2:if you want a real list, Okay, so we've already established that some of the things people enjoy about Thanksgiving, you've got football.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but are all football movies, thanksgiving movies?
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:So like Remember the Titans.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm. You could argue it's a Thanksgiving movie.
Speaker 2:Fall aesthetic, a lot of warm tones, okay, so you just named two things. Okay, fall in warm tones.
Speaker 1:Okay, I think are very helpful for a thanksgiving movie, even though I don't think thanksgiving's involved in remember the titans no, ever, it's not, it's so it's around the time because of fall football, so but it's also, you know its theme it's about.
Speaker 2:You know the racial tensions and them coming together to make a team. It falls into that same the idealistic I version of thanksgiving where it's like we come together, because it's not just about fame. I mean, if you're going to the storyline, you know that were the americans and the pilgrims like put their differences aside and ate together, like yeah, that's kind of it's like everyone's putting their differences aside to come together just and just spend some time together.
Speaker 1:So yeah, you could say stuff like that could qualify okay, um and so uh, but okay, the next thing food. Does food make a thanksgiving movie?
Speaker 2:like all food, though. Like well, okay, what do you mean? Okay, uh like, give me a food movie I mean ratatouille. I don't think ratatouille counts as a thanksgiving movie. I mean, you could probably give you a food movie.
Speaker 1:I gave you a food movie, you gave me the food movie.
Speaker 2:I apologize.
Speaker 1:All right.
Speaker 2:American Pie Not quite shit.
Speaker 1:American Pie is super American and a staple of all Thanksgiving dinners. Just because a teenager fornicates with an American Pie, you're disqualifying it.
Speaker 2:What's your criterion, nick? It's not family friendly, has to not family friendly. Has to be family friendly slightly. Well, okay, mostly family, mostly enough that I could turn my kids eye away from us one or two scenes.
Speaker 1:Well, he only has sex with the pie for like five seconds on screen.
Speaker 2:There's the whole band camp thing, there's siffler's mom, there's there's the hot foreign girl elizabeth yeah, you're right, it's bad.
Speaker 1:Don't watch it for thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:We can't okay, you got, so I came up first.
Speaker 1:right Ratatouille was first.
Speaker 2:That's right asshole as food movies, not as Thanksgiving food movies. You got Chef the Menu. The Menu should be a Thanksgiving movie. I think the Menu is more of a Thanksgiving movie than Ratatouille is, because it's also about because any about like a family or just people, a group of people at odds with each other.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I would argue, knives Out could be a great Thanksgiving movie.
Speaker 1:Well, it's fall, it's fall, I think it's fall, and it's Chris Evans in fashionable sweaters and it's a family.
Speaker 2:It's the fashionable sweaters.
Speaker 1:Absolutely the dysfunctional family, but the dysfunctional family.
Speaker 2:Everybody coming together, so I think it's adjacent enough.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I out qualifies. So right now, our list has remember the titans ratatouille.
Speaker 2:Maybe no ratatouille's out. Okay, it takes place in france. All right, you're right. Yeah, no american, no red-blooded american would watch a french movie um so yeah, I think, uh supersize me no, because that's that just makes you. You can't eat. Mcdonald's eventually killed that man. That's true, that's so I don't think so.
Speaker 1:I think, essentially, food documentaries are off the table because they're gonna to tell you you're wrong.
Speaker 2:Okay, okay, pig. Pig's not really even about food. Oh, you're talking about the Nicolas Cage movie. Yeah, the Nicolas Cage movie. I'm just listing the movies that are showing up to me. No, because you eat, babe. That's fair. Okay, on Thanksgiving. Yeah, you're right. You're right, it doesn't have to have food.
Speaker 1:There's not really movies about parades, no parades.
Speaker 2:You know there's. I mean there are movies with parades Like Butching All the Way is a Christmas movie, it's got a parade. I'm trying to think of movies with parade scenes Like there's that we're Back to Dinosaurs story. I don't know if that's that might be during Thanksgiving parade. You remember that movie, the 91, 93?
Speaker 1:I was not Dom DeLuise or whatever his name was.
Speaker 2:He wasn't Dom DeLuise, it was a Spielberg production.
Speaker 1:You're right, I think we have this conversation all the time.
Speaker 2:I think it's the guy the giant. Okay, it took place during Macy's Thanksgiving. Oh, wait, wait, wait. They promote the film's release. They had a balloon of the T-Rex from the movie.
Speaker 1:I'm just trying to see if watches we're Back the Dinosaur Story on.
Speaker 2:Thanksgiving, it's got dinosaurs. That's your thing. Listen, I feel like you just gotta Reach into the bag and pull out the closest thing you can find. You're right.
Speaker 1:I think what we're really discussing is you gotta pick your own Thanksgiving movies.
Speaker 2:Right, something. Okay, there it is they. Day Parade, if anything could qualify this movie could?
Speaker 1:It takes place on Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:I want to give it Okay, we're back to your potential Thanksgiving viewing party. We're back on the list so far guarantee we've got Charlie Brown, we've got Planes, trains and we're back at our first.
Speaker 1:We said Remember the.
Speaker 2:Titans counts. It's got warm tones we did discuss this, though.
Speaker 1:I asked if Westerns count, because they're all sepia, warm tones, but you said no, not quite, I mean your dad, your boomer dad and above.
Speaker 2:They will watch a Western late at night or something, probably, if no one else has the remote control and football's over and football's over, like you're going to watch a Western probably.
Speaker 1:So here's one of the things I think why all football movies, movies can't count, okay?
Speaker 2:I mean, like I'll say this any given sunday also has warm tones, but they're like weird gross miami tones. It's dirty gross. We watch. We watch mostly nfl games on thanksgiving and it is a movie about basically the nfl so fake nfl.
Speaker 1:So you could argue that it's very thanksgiving, no, but I don't think so, because there's a lot of cocaine, drug use and a full frontal male genitalia I was was at a football night.
Speaker 2:We were at somebody's house, they cooked for us and everything. And we went to my friend's room and we were just watching Any Given Sunday, and his mom walks in on the scene where they're doing drugs off of the woman's breast.
Speaker 1:And we paused it. What's worse, she walks in there or when there's a naked black man, just full frontal swinging well, as we've learned, corey, like male, male, male genitalia is just funny. It's never so but the biggest thing I'll bring is Varsity Blues. It's high school, it's fall, it's not.
Speaker 2:It's not Okay. We did have an early conversation about this because, remember, the Titans is very much set in the fall. Yes, varsity Blues is very much set in August.
Speaker 1:It's got. It's also weird to get into football. It's got like a cold aesthetic. It's all grays and blues yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, gray's and blues, yeah, yeah, yeah, but the vibe of it is like that's something you would watch to get into football season, not in the middle of it or towards the end, but if there's a scene where you're like 12th grade math teacher is a stripper.
Speaker 1:it disqualifies the movie from being a Thanksgiving movie, so that one's out.
Speaker 2:Someone had the audacious comment to be like Miracle on 34th Street is technically a Thanksgiving movie because it has the Macy's Thanksgiving parade. It's like no, it's about Santa.
Speaker 1:Well then, nick, you got to take. We're Back Off. Santa doesn't show up at the Thanksgiving parade At the Thanksgiving Day parade.
Speaker 2:John Goodman, as a dinosaur, does a whole dance number and Santa never shows up. All right, that's all I'm saying.
Speaker 1:I think you're getting loose. I think we're getting too loose.
Speaker 2:We already the rules were loose so and we only agreed that thanksgiving is just a predecessor. It's, it's the? What do you call it? When, like the, the harbiter, arbiter or whatever harbinger? Harbinger of christmas basically so so basically, once the food's eaten and the football's over with, people probably start watching christmas, abc, family or whatever free form. Whatever it is, I guarantee you they have they start shoving down our throats that and like harry potter movies, because allegedly they're christmas, they're not Christmas.
Speaker 1:I've heard, though, that Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings movies are a lot of people's November movies.
Speaker 2:So when we did the Lord of the Rings episodes that was the argument I made. It was like if there was a time to potentially like, try to put like a rewatch of them, I could argue fall Because, like Fellowship has real fall vibes.
Speaker 1:I will not allow you to put them before October. Don't get in the horror movie. No, not September.
Speaker 2:Look, fellowship has some horror vibes. November.
Speaker 1:They got.
Speaker 2:Nazgul, they got the Balrog demon Thing from hell, literally hell Like. You can play that in October and it's okay, but you should wait on Two Towers and Return of the King for November.
Speaker 1:I disagree. I don't want Lord of the Rings anywhere near my holiday. Listen.
Speaker 2:I'm flexible, earlymber you can watch. You can watch some fellowship, it's okay. When does it start? Let's see here 25 days of christmas schedule, free form what's your sunday? Okay, so they did wait until sunday, december 1st, but that doesn't. That's just their official 25 days of christmas. I guarantee you they are playing christmas movies out the wazoo Thanksgiving night.
Speaker 1:I'm sure they are, yeah, so.
Speaker 2:I just said wazoo on a 2024 podcast. I apologize, I don't know what overcame me, but we can continue.
Speaker 1:Is that a problematic term? It is for me. Okay, I don't know the, I don't know the history of that word.
Speaker 2:It's just something an old man would say.
Speaker 1:For some reason I have these old man Z and Alpha listeners, so okay, nick, let me ask you this then Since we've established that there's really no rules for a Thanksgiving movie, other than this really shaky criteria, we have maybe the parade qualifies it, maybe it doesn't.
Speaker 2:Maybe the parade cements it a little bit.
Speaker 1:If the parade doesn't feature, santa, you got Thanksgiving. If for some reason Santa Claus does what Santa Claus does and gets on someone else's holiday, then it doesn't qualify.
Speaker 2:Okay, so it's't qualify. Okay, oh, no, okay, so it's the reverse rule of a Christmas movie which we can get into in a Christmas episode. If the Miracle on 34th Street is mostly during December, it opens. It has a scene set at the Macy's Parade.
Speaker 1:Like at the opening, at the opening Okay.
Speaker 2:So it doesn't quantify as a Christmas movie, in the same way that it shouldn't quantify as a thanksgiving movie wait, you say it's not a christmas movie. Sorry, I got mixed up it shouldn't be a thanksgiving movie just because it has one scene at thanksgiving santa's in it, man, no, no yeah, he's, it's literally all about santa, so nick, do you have any thanksgiving movies, conventional or unconventional?
Speaker 1:the only other movie I know that takes place on thanksgiving is family stone and is one.
Speaker 2:I thought it was a Christmas movie. It's Thanksgiving, I believe.
Speaker 1:Family Stone and I only watched it one time and it was just like really, it was just really stressful.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, but it is a Christmas movie, Corey.
Speaker 1:Okay, sorry my bad.
Speaker 2:It's because it falls into the Thanksgiving vibe of, like we're going to tell a story about a dysfunctional family. Now, christmas movies have that, but thanksgiving movies, when they try to make something or you think about adjacent thanksgiving stuff the the broken family is often the thing that's brought up or is used as a plot device for sure. Do you have any? Do you have any thanksgiving movies that you happen to watch?
Speaker 1:um, I mean, I got a lot dude give me.
Speaker 2:Give me a list, because I don't know what you watch on Thanksgiving. Oh, dude.
Speaker 1:Okay, I just made a list of what I consider to be appropriate viewing material for the month of November. Okay, maybe that's what we should call November movies.
Speaker 2:Just what.
Speaker 1:Just November movies, because I don't know that Thanksgiving has anything to do with any of these movies. That's fair. I think Nightmare Before Christmas is perfect. It takes thing to do with any of these movies, that's fair. Um, I think nightmare before christmas is perfect.
Speaker 2:It takes place between yeah, I I think, though, like you, either watch that at the end, like around halloween, or the beginning of christmas.
Speaker 1:I'm just saying, though, that whole movie has to take place in the month of november I mean it does, it has to, it literally does when it takes place.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's november to december, basically so I'm just saying watch it okay, okay all I have a weird one.
Speaker 1:I'm listening and it's only because, for whatever reason, this movie like my family. When I was little, we did it with my dad's side of the family. We did Thanksgiving. We did Christmas with mom's side. Okay, Thanksgiving with dad's side. And at some point we decided to stop talking to of that conversation but for whatever reason, we had it at my grandmother's house and Legend was always on every year.
Speaker 2:The Tom Cruise killing unicorns Tim. Curry is the devil movie. It's like Lord of the Rings. There's a fantasy aspect to it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just don't know why it was always on. Maybe it was just I think my grandma just had it on VHS and popped it in.
Speaker 2:Maybe that might have done it, that is thanksgiving movie in my mind is one of your top two movies of all time, a thanksgiving movie saint elmo's fire is 100.
Speaker 1:A fall movie? Okay, it takes place during the fall it's got a lot of changing of leaves. Judd nelson's wearing cool jackets the whole movie yeah, yeah, it's totally fall okay, okay. They literally drive the jeep through leaves and stuff and it's all fallish okay, so it counts. That's fair, that's fair.
Speaker 2:Um what else you?
Speaker 1:got. I also think anything Nancy Meyers really is associated with Father of the Bride. It's complicated.
Speaker 2:It's got a vibe Something's got to give. It's weirdly November-ish. Well it's also. You also have to think it's something you watch with your family. Yeah, like we're talking about, because we're really just distract them and really not get them to talk about anything.
Speaker 1:If it's about old people and love, it's November.
Speaker 2:Yeah, all right, yeah, okay, yeah, or Steve.
Speaker 1:Martin or Jack Nicholson or Diane Keaton.
Speaker 2:Why are? Why does that work? Why does that make sense? I don't know man. You just said you never have spoken these words into my ears and yet I'm like yeah, that's it, it's complicated it, so that's not Julia, julia or whatever.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no, no I mean, I think that movies exist and maybe it counts.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I OK. So here's what about this one? What about the Robin Williams one? To punch of Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting?
Speaker 2:Those are very fall movies.
Speaker 1:Those are fall movies Very fall Double the Robin Williams.
Speaker 2:You could do a back to back Robin Williams marathon right there, a little little drive-in theater style yeah, it's not your fault, nick.
Speaker 1:What?
Speaker 2:do you mean it's not my fault, it's not your fault? I don't know what you're talking about, corey it's good hunting.
Speaker 1:So, um, and then I, before I get to two that I think everyone might go oh yeah um, I think in our part of the world twister or twisters let me now yeah tornadoes happen around fall in the last five years they have, I guess, and so um, if you're just really in the mood, for I watched twisters Nick how'd you? Feel um. You worked on this movie, so I was expecting I was a stand-in. But yeah, I was. Who'd you stand in?
Speaker 2:for I was the kid that gets sucked up into the in the Jeep. Basically, yeah, the idiot, I was playing, I was standing in for the idiot, okay, okay, alright. Who actually was Bill Parkinson's son? Yeah, yeah, in the hotel. He himself is not an idiot, he was just yelling at the hotel man, yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:We were watching with my wife and his girlfriend in that scene is like tornadoes aren't real it's always a false alarm.
Speaker 2:And she looked at me and said that's what you say every time, and I'm like I'm still here.
Speaker 1:But I also know that if it's really there not to get in my car and drive, Right. So I still know what to do. Right right, right. I would have followed the handsome guy into the pool.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, because the handsome people survived the movie.
Speaker 1:Yes, what I appreciate about Twisters is it's got a real 80s John Hughes vibe to it.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:In the sense that we wrote Glenn Powell as a perfect man.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you did, you did, man yeah you did, he did.
Speaker 1:At no point does that movie ever introduce a single flaw, not even a character flaw he cares too much, cory, that's literally the thing. He's chiseled, jawed pecs and abs walking in the rain. It not no movie since pretty in pink has there been like a look at the friend, the friend's in love with the girl, but oh, oh no who's this really? Handsome, perfect man and the friend in the whole movie is just trying his damnedest and somehow ends up being the villain working for the bad guy.
Speaker 1:The military yeah he was in the military, stole some of their radars and now he's helping some dude steal land from tornado victims.
Speaker 2:I don't really get that plot.
Speaker 1:They kind of cram that in there and the whole time Glenn Powell's, just like here. Babe, come cry on my chiseled chest. I know what it's like to chase tornadoes. He shows up at mom's house and mom loves him and I'm like this is the most 80s.
Speaker 2:I like him. Not since a John Hughes has there been a writer that's like if you don't take him, I will.
Speaker 1:Jocks always win, so why should it be any different in the movies? So I just I appreciated that part of the movie that at some point I kept waiting for it to introduce. And then powell has some flaw and you're like, oh, it's not happening no, no, no no, a great man and so listen he's.
Speaker 2:He's a wild man that needs a good woman to bring him back down to earth. Here's the problem, though, nick. Here's the problem. I'm listening.
Speaker 1:I'm listening in pretty in pink blaine has women after him yeah, and uh 16 candles. Jake ryan just broke up with the hot girl in school or is with the hot girl? Yeah, I don't know why is glenn powell single in this twisters universe because he's chasing tornadoes. No, I'm sorry but that man okay, we learned nothing, single okay I kept waiting for it, like it is her to find his wedding ring or something and he's finally the piece of shit.
Speaker 2:We literally saw what happened in the first movie. Bill Paxton's fiance was like I can't do this, I'm out, you're going to get killed. You gotta go.
Speaker 1:They end up back together. Nick he marries Helen Hunt. Well, I mean like, yeah, the new wife leaves and that's a mistake.
Speaker 2:Jamie Girtz is worth billions, that's because Helen Hunt matches Bill Paxton's freak Corey. They're both crazy. They want to die with belts around pipes and tornadoes.
Speaker 1:But the friend also wants to take 3D pictures of tornadoes. Yeah, but he's not conventionally attractive Corey.
Speaker 2:That's the thing, man. That's the problem. I look at the guy from Hamilton and I'm like I know why you're single. Do you think that's Lin-Manuel Miranda or is he actually in Hamilton? No, that dude's actually in Hamilton. He plays the son that dies. Oh, okay, okay, okay and then you know they all play dual characters yeah, yeah, yeah, he's the son Got it, and so Some Hamilton lore for you, yeah.
Speaker 1:So but yeah, he's. I just think that's a problem with the movie. Also, it also Like in 96, it makes sense for people to be able to drive through in a tornado sneak up on you.
Speaker 2:Okay, sneak up on you. Okay, you have cell phones, sure um sure, you just had cable at best. So if you're not at home, you don't have cable, or?
Speaker 1:access to information period in 2024. You gotta have an antenna, you gotta have a radio. 2024. There's two scenes where it's a bunch of okhomans are literally out enjoying their day and someone goes dude damn a tornado right there, right there in the sky.
Speaker 2:I'm like this is not realistic at all.
Speaker 1:We get no we get alerts days before.
Speaker 2:They're like tornado watch hey, by the way, they don't have a softball game or a rodeo. There is the rare day where you wake up and somebody's like, hey, you get a text from a family member or friend. You're like, hey, watch out, there's, there's a chance for bad weather. And you're like, really, today, yeah you gotta pack a bag and you gotta get, or you get like your core. You get your lawn chair set up with with a iced tea, or I'm just I'm not driving somewhere to find a basement.
Speaker 1:that's's a lot. If that tornado hits man, it hits, and if that's offensive to anyone, my parents just got hit by a tornado and I still don't have a fear of them. Oh, that's right, and so yeah, they'd gotten nailed straight on Walk-in freezer, saved them An RV like there's a scene in the new Twisters movie where, like a horse trailer almost falls on the handsome guy. And I literally looked at him and I was like hey, that happened to dad.
Speaker 2:Only it was an RV.
Speaker 1:Almost fell on top of him, goodness. Okay. So the two big ones, though, that I think everyone should put on their November watch list yes, fantastic, mr Fox.
Speaker 2:Oh, that is a good one. That movie is falling shit. There's food in that. There's food All the farm readers he's I'll do you one better Chicken. Run, that's a double feature right there. Write it down.
Speaker 1:That's about chickens not becoming food.
Speaker 2:There's no movie about a turkey trying not to die. Is there At least the well-known?
Speaker 1:one I'm not aware of. I'm sure there's one out there.
Speaker 2:It's probably a low-budget animated movie or something Like the people that made Open Season. Movie about turkeys.
Speaker 1:We got Freebirds.
Speaker 2:Freebirds. That sounds exactly like what you're describing. Literally 2013 Looks like some turkeys trying to escape it gets crazier. A pair of turkeys discover a time machine and decide to use it to travel to the first Thanksgiving To take turkeys off the menu forever.
Speaker 1:That's badass. They skipped like three movies. They did.
Speaker 2:We were just thinking like the turkey has to get away For Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:It doesn't want to die remake chicken run with turkeys and then, by the way, wilson, are the turkeys?
Speaker 2:oh, that's going on my watch list, but to to go, to go straight to terminator keith david and george jakai are in it, oh nice this is good, okay, dana dana carrie, not dana carby, excuse me okay, we've never seen this, so we're not saying it's good, but put this on the list rating is 5.8. Not terrible, but not good it's on paramount plus damn okay, all right cool um wow that's okay.
Speaker 2:So fantastic, mr fox, chicken run and free birds. It's a good triple feature. Um, rover dangerfield doesn't have like a turkey that's trying not to die or something I cannot believe you just drop rover dangerfield, okay, unless you're like exactly our age.
Speaker 1:You don't know, no idea.
Speaker 2:You're like trying to explain the concept.
Speaker 1:Hey, remember that old comedian yeah, the no respect comedian they made a cartoon about him as a dog and he goes to a farm goes to a farm um, and that's it's got fall vibes.
Speaker 2:It does have fall vibes.
Speaker 1:What's the dumbass movie about the chicken? That?
Speaker 2:thinks he's Elvis Rock-A-Doodle. Is that a Thanksgiving movie? I don't know. No, it's not. Okay, I didn't know. All right, that's more like spring April, because it's raining and stuff.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I wouldn't call that. And then a little known gem. I don't know how many people know about this movie but, Steve Carell.
Speaker 2:Dan in Real Life? Oh, okay, dan in.
Speaker 1:Real Life is a delightful fall movie.
Speaker 2:Got it.
Speaker 1:Not sure if it's Thanksgiving, but the family gets together for something, got it, and I think it's Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:Okay, but it's up north.
Speaker 1:It's all fallish Dane Cook's in there. For some reason, the dad from uh frazier he was big at the time. Yeah, 2007, yeah it's a great movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it takes place for thanksgiving uh, big money, big money, big money, big money. Thanksgiving no results. Um so they're just going to visit, but it has fall vibes annual family gathering might as well be thanksgiving. Yeah, it's fall vibes, just call it thanksgiving yeah, it's great.
Speaker 1:Um, hey, let me ask you this okay, juno, is that a fall movie? It's fall vibes. Just call it Thanksgiving. Yeah, it's great. Hey, let me ask you this Okay, juno, is that a fall movie? Yeah, it's fall vibes.
Speaker 2:There's a lot of orange going on. There's a shit ton of orange in Juno. Does that include like Harry Met Sally, because that's a fall movie, that's a fall movie.
Speaker 1:We didn't bring that up because I think people already watch it in November.
Speaker 2:If you're like a deep diver of Julia Roberts movies, you're a horror guy. What about Thanksgiving?
Speaker 1:See, like that one's tough man. I just don't think horror works for Thanksgiving man.
Speaker 2:Not even like the new Eli Roth Thanksgiving.
Speaker 1:No, like the one with the Patrick Dempsey and stuff. And there's Thanksgiving about the rubber turkey that wants to kill people. Yeah, I think that's what this is.
Speaker 2:There's a Jim Henson TV movie that aired called Jerky Hollow. Don't watch it because it features narration by Ludacris, so that's relatively new.
Speaker 1:Hey, isn't there a Muppets Thanksgiving? Don't they all go to someone's house?
Speaker 2:No, that's the Muppets family Christmas, corey, that's where the Swedish chef is just causing chaos. He sees Big Bird and he's like I have to cook this.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's a pretty intense movie.
Speaker 2:It is pretty intense that was the Avengers before assembled or Endgame before end game Corey.
Speaker 1:What about October Sky?
Speaker 2:I mean it has a title. I mean it's October, yeah, but it has the vibes. I mean there's no horror movie element, so it's fall. It's the right time.
Speaker 1:But it's about rockets, that's close enough.
Speaker 2:That's the yeah, put it in the pot.
Speaker 1:And kids that don't want to be coal miners.
Speaker 2:Hey, I can relate.
Speaker 1:Their dads are their dads with broken backs, saying what do you mean? You don't want to be a coal miner.
Speaker 2:Not good enough for anymore. It's like, dad, it's not my dream. I don't want to have your dream, dad. The future's in rockets, the future's in batteries, dad.
Speaker 1:Meanwhile, that kid's dead. Elon Musk is a thing. His dad wasn't a coal miner, his dad just part of genocide or something.
Speaker 2:So, anyway, do you have any other gems that you want to share?
Speaker 1:No, that's really it Okay.
Speaker 2:So I will throw a list at you of some what IMDB is throwing at you potentially as some Christmas movies.
Speaker 1:I gave you the personal. Yeah, you gave me the personal.
Speaker 2:Sorry, so the new world Okay again.
Speaker 1:John Smith Pocahontas. Yeah, is it realistically depicting the slaughter of natives?
Speaker 2:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Or Realistically depicting the slaughter of natives, I don't know.
Speaker 2:Or is it also revisionist history?
Speaker 1:It's probably some revisionist, but it's Terrence Malick, so it's going to be artsy as it can be. It's going to suck, colin.
Speaker 2:Farrell and Christopher Plummer are in it, so that's great. Okay, home for the Holidays.
Speaker 1:Oh, the Jodie Foster movie Holly.
Speaker 2:Hunter and Robert Downey Jr.
Speaker 1:And Bancroft yeah, I learned that on this podcast once. Oh, wow, okay, meet the Fockers. Is that Christmas or Thanksgiving? Or meet the parents.
Speaker 2:Any of them I don't know Meet the parents holiday.
Speaker 1:Come on.
Speaker 2:Big money, big money, big money.
Speaker 1:Like Thanksgiving Christmas. It just says holiday season. They don't.
Speaker 2:Okay, I don't think it takes place during. It's usually like he's meeting the parents. They get engaged, they bring the kids to visit, like Meet the Fockers.
Speaker 1:I don't think so I'm counting it. It's about family.
Speaker 2:It's about family. Any problematic family, people at odds.
Speaker 1:Meet the Parents is about family and how hard it is to travel.
Speaker 2:Right, yes, that counts, I'm allowing it.
Speaker 1:Meet the Fockers? Not so much.
Speaker 2:If you're going to watch, watch one. You could keep watching the others well, you got meet the parents, is it? And?
Speaker 1:meet the fuckers, which is great because it's Dustin Hoffman, have a lot of fun right. And then you have little fuckers. I don't see that one, okay. I might have once it, once upon a time, you seen someone like have you seen this thing, though, where someone is like essentially said, get out and meet the parents for the exact same movie, and they make so many good points. It's just they took out the racial overtones.
Speaker 2:It's without the racial message, so it's just guess who's coming to dinner without the racial aspect to it.
Speaker 1:It just feels like everyone's under some sort of spell. They're like why is Owen Wilson still around if he's not like brain trapped to this family because he wants to marry the daughter like an unhinged brother of wilson? There's the unhinged brother, the psychotic parents yeah, yeah it is, it's just okay okay I thought it was. I thought it was fun that's a good.
Speaker 2:That's a good point. The weird crossover we never thought we'd think about, but here we we are.
Speaker 1:I'm going to double feature that one day meet the parents and get out.
Speaker 2:We should.
Speaker 1:So all right, Was there other? You only named me two.
Speaker 2:Oh no.
Speaker 1:IMDB just said. Here's the two other ones.
Speaker 2:There's just a lot of random ones.
Speaker 1:Scent of a Woman.
Speaker 2:I think that falls into Fall.
Speaker 1:Vibes, black Friday's a horror movie. Four brothers.
Speaker 2:Avalon is a Polish Jewish family Comes to the US at the beginning of the 20th century. So kind of a family journey, historical piece, I guess.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:Adam's Family Values has technically-.
Speaker 1:Has a great Thanksgiving play.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah yeah, okay, you could work that in. Yeah, no, I think it counts. Yeah, rescue Dawn, I do not think of it makes you hungry because they're starving, I guess yeah funny people. The adam sandler movie, uh, I, I could not tell you if it was set during the ice storm uh.
Speaker 1:Angley movie kevin klein's gordon weaver, joan allen, hannah and her sisters man, they time to be put between charlie brown thanksgiving number 16.
Speaker 2:That is, yeah, that's low hannah and her sisters between two thanksgivings two years apart, and it's about hannah falling in love with her sisters. Falls in love with her sister lee. While, what in the world? While her hypochondriac ex-husband rekindles his relationship with his her sister hall?
Speaker 1:what is happening. The only thing I know about hannah or sisters. It comes up every time we do an episode in 1986 that's like you're like won all the oscars. Yeah, oh what hold on between two thanksgivings two years apart, yeah. Hannah's husband falls in love with her sister Lee, yes. While her ex-husband rekindles his relationship with her sister Holly.
Speaker 2:So nothing's happening for Hannah. So Hannah's just getting she's just stuck in the middle, she's just getting a third degree at Thanksgiving. Okay, I got it. Wild movie Interesting the Last Waltz.
Speaker 1:Those sisters are breaking all sorts of code.
Speaker 2:They really are. There was not a conversation, that happened even.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's pretty much it. Am I the only one that thinks Mystic Pizza counts?
Speaker 2:I don't think I've seen Mystic Pizza. You need it, dude.
Speaker 1:It's Julie Roberts' top tier. Grumpy old man. I just think of snow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think more snow than I do fall, but I think it does have some fall aesthetics, some warm aesthetics. They got Pocahontas. I guess if you need something for the kids that's not Chicken Run and Fantastic, mr Fox.
Speaker 1:I put mine above those.
Speaker 2:Paint with all the colors of the wind, guys, I guess.
Speaker 1:All right, dutch, dutch counts. I've seen Dutch. I need to watch Dutch. I really wanted to watch Dutch Dutch counts. That's a fall movie. I mean it's set in the summer, but it's a horror movie. It's kind of like Goonies.
Speaker 2:Goonies counts, man, goonies could count. Goonies counts, goonies could count. They're all wearing jackets. Yeah, you're right. You're right. Never say die, son-in-law son-in-law, oh man we did it oh that's it moving on.
Speaker 1:Son-in-law is required. They go.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, it's polyshore yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go, there you go polyshore is one of those career college guys.
Speaker 1:Some girl from midwest moves into his la like college. I don't think they ever say what college in la no, carla gugino ucla, I'm sure um, moves into his dorm and she takes him home for thanksgiving judge reinhold's in it judge reinhold is in brian cranston I'm sorry, wrong, wrong movie.
Speaker 2:Wrong movie. I didn't scroll high enough. Parley shore carla gugino, steve rash, lane smith, two, two recognizable names.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's good stuff. Okay, we can move on. All right, we've done it. No, we're not. We're not. I'm trying to think of an action movie that's fall based, but nothing ever came man, there's huh.
Speaker 2:You would think somebody would have been like twisters as close as I guess. So I guess it's as close as you could get. There's no schwarzenegger's to low movie.
Speaker 1:There's no changing of the leaves in the john wick movies.
Speaker 2:No, no so it's all pretty cold and underground and in europe most of the time yeah, new york yeah, um yeah, okay, all right. All right, that's fair, I'll take it okay, corey, we've gone through a list of potential Christmas or not Christmas Thanksgiving movies at this point, if you're listening to this, you have a cornucopia of options.
Speaker 1:Okay, okay, watch. Yeah, thanksgiving, we've helped two weeks really.
Speaker 2:This is just the Thanksgiving viewing guide. Yeah, the survivalist guide for Thanksgiving for you guys yeah well, corey, I don't know if you have anything else on the docket, but I did want to bring up one more thing. Is there anything else you have? None so, in the spirit of quantum recast, we recast on here, and so the one generally everyone considers, other than the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie, plane, strains and Automobiles there's only really two characters in it, and then just an onslaught of additional characters.
Speaker 1:It's one of those movies we've never been able to get on the podcast because there really is only two characters, and we did it once with Fight Club and it just got away from us. We started recasting the dudes.
Speaker 2:Random guy here, Listen. Hellabottom Carter's there, Jared Leto's there. Meatloaf's there. There were more characters in that.
Speaker 1:This one's literally just Tyler Durden and the narrator. It was as if they were just the only ones in the movie, and then you just run into people along the way. Okay, and here's the thing you have to kind of consider with Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It is a Thanksgiving movie because it takes place around them trying to get home for but it's also more appropriately like the buddy road trip movie yes, yeah, it's, it's, I would say.
Speaker 2:Would you say it's the buddy road trip movie, it's?
Speaker 1:it's definitely one. The like oldest one I can think of is um, like I mean you have like rain, man and stuff like that, yeah, um but like there's a, what was it called? It happened one night yeah, um I believe is uh clark gable um, easy rider.
Speaker 2:That's one of the easy riders, a big one, little. Technically, due Date is almost like a remake, a copy of Planes, trains and Obvios Dumb and Dumber is technically a road trip buddy movie Harold and Kumar go.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:Tommy Boy.
Speaker 1:Blues Brothers.
Speaker 2:Thelma and Louise. Oh Brother, when Art Thou is listed?
Speaker 1:as. And could also movie it's one that you could watch with your family, for sure, for sure kingpin, I love kingpin which cassie and sundance kid yeah, so I mean, like it's those bill and ted, if time travel is a road um midnight run is one I've been wanting to see with de niro is that charles groden?
Speaker 2:yeah, and charles groden, yeah, nice um but yeah, it's a buddy road trip movie but it's set on them trying to get home for the holidays so you want to like recast this, since we finally brought it up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're here. This is the only moment we're gonna get.
Speaker 2:We feel like we can't carry a whole episode with planes not we could talk about it like it's a great movie, I enjoy it. Yeah, no, it's a great movie. Yeah, um weirdly.
Speaker 1:I would say that you can't have a thanksgiving movie that's rated r other than this one. It's technically rated r because of one scene one scene, one scene could fast forward, right and I have seenins and Automobile and I've never seen the scene. You've never seen it Because I was watching it with my girl for the time and her mom said let's skip the scene.
Speaker 2:So I always saw it on TV.
Speaker 1:So you didn't see the scene.
Speaker 2:So I didn't see the scene until a few years ago when we watched it, I guess on a stream or something.
Speaker 1:And you were just shocked.
Speaker 2:No, grow up and you're an adult and you watch movies, and then you're like my parents might enjoy this movie. And then you remember, oh yeah, the sex scene or the cursing scene or the really awkward scene here where this happens and you're just cringing in your chair. This scene pops up and me and my brother are watching it. He's just dropping what is it? 26 F-bombs, and I don't look at my dad, but my dad just doesn't make a sound or anything. Nobody died, so it was good, I guess.
Speaker 1:So same ex-girlfriend. Okay, I found myself in this situation and maybe I've told this story on this podcast before, but we were watching the Mark Wahlberg movie Fear.
Speaker 2:Oh, have you seen Fear? I have not, but I know what you're talking about.
Speaker 1:So Fear's incredible, it's essentially Reese Witherspoon starts dating a guy and he turns out to be obsessed and crazy, and not above killing her friends who disagree with their relationship, and there's a very lengthy scene where he sexually pleasures her on a roller coaster using his digits.
Speaker 2:His fingers, fingers, okay.
Speaker 1:Right, and it takes a while and I forgot about this scene. And my dad came and sat down and started watching the movie with us and that's every dad in the world. Yeah, yeah I can give it a shot and then they stay, yeah and which is fine. I like my dad, he's a cool dude yeah and so, but I knew this scene was coming up. I excused myself to the bathroom and left my girlfriend with my dad is this a secret you've kept with you?
Speaker 2:uh-huh, did you tell her that you did?
Speaker 1:she was furious when the night came to an end and she was able to be blunt about what I had done and so and I was like I wasn't gonna watch it with my dad, I'm not doing this, um. So yes, I have been in a situation, but I was a coward in the well you, you did not take one for the team. You let her, you let her, I let her fall on that grenade.
Speaker 2:Okay, so Steve Martin says the word fuck 18 times.
Speaker 1:Okay, during that time In one scene.
Speaker 2:In one scene and you only get one, you only you only get one, like just like that one, yep, so there you are.
Speaker 1:So, Nick, okay, you want to go first?
Speaker 2:Yeah, let's give a quick in the tradition. Let's give a quick useless critic stats here For those of you that don't know and are considering watching Planes, trains and Automobiles if we haven't sold it on you yet. Released November 25th 1987, directed by John Hughes, of Breakfast Club fame and all the pretty pinks of the world is also written by him, pretty much in a fever dream of like three nights in a hotel, I believe as well. The budget was 15 million. It made 49.5 million. The IMDb gives it a 7.6. Rotten Tomatoes a 92 critic 87 fans. Metacritic 72 critic 77 fans. Letterboxd, it sits at 3.8. I gave it a four. What would you give out of five?
Speaker 1:planes, engine automobiles yeah, yeah I mean like honestly, just for the conclusion, I would give it like four okay, that's about where I, that's where I sat, yeah, it's just john candy firing at all freaking cylinders.
Speaker 2:It's like the I don't know what you consider the holy trinity of john candy movies. You gotta consider uncle buck cool runnings and this movie for sure.
Speaker 2:Um, but Ebert and Siskel gave it two thumbs up from them Good, they declared it's Candy's best roll of date. It's featured in Robert Ebert's Great Movies collection. He wrote that it's perfectly cast, soundly constructed and all else flows naturally. He just compliments the main actors, saying they don't play characters, they embody them, and that's why the comedy works so well, basically, and it has heart and truth to it too.
Speaker 1:Okay. And any additional information you have no you got me on the Holy Trinity, On John Candy, so now I'm like what's going on?
Speaker 2:You're like well, wait a minute. What's the John? Candy, because if you don't know John Candy. We lost him early on in life. He passed away at 43 years of age, so he was very young when he did pass away. So, Corey, are you looking at his? Yeah, he was the announcer in Rookie of the Year in 93.
Speaker 1:You've got a so he's got a lot of movies like Little Shop of Horrors.
Speaker 2:Sure, yeah, you know, whatever when he's kind of appeared, rookie of the Year, where he's mostly cameo he just plays a character.
Speaker 1:Okay, my Holy Trinity. And it's hard because I have to leave out one of my favorite movies but, I, just don't think he's necessarily the. He actually plays the straight man in Nothing but Trouble which is great. It's considered horrible, but Dan. Aykroyd directed that Chevy Chase mess. But it's incredible. I'm going Cool Runnings Plane, train, strange and Automobile and then a movie called Only the Lonely.
Speaker 2:Only the Lonely. That's really good with Ally Sheedy. Is that a?
Speaker 1:80s movie. It's like a rom-com, Okay interesting. And he's the leading man in the rom-com.
Speaker 2:I feel like that was a shot.
Speaker 1:They took in 1991.
Speaker 2:Only the Lonely. It's not appearing for me at the moment anyone. Oh, there it is okay it's essentially a dude.
Speaker 1:That's like his mom is dependent on him and then he falls in love and it's like being, you know, torn back and forth opposite marino hera or ali sheedy uh, ali sheedy is the love interest wow, here's the mom, okay so adding that to my watch list.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is, it's so good sounds good.
Speaker 1:Not a thanksgiving movie, though I don't think.
Speaker 2:Think not not, probably not a thing. I mean, we can find out this. You know what November is? It's the test ground. If you want to think, if you want to try to see if a movie is a Thanksgiving movie, uh, that's when you do it.
Speaker 1:You try to watch it and go well it why Married and Axe Murder is a fall movie to me.
Speaker 2:Okay, you're going to explain.
Speaker 1:Well, it's just, mike Myers thinks he marries a serial killer and it's hilarious.
Speaker 2:Family issues, relationship type stuff.
Speaker 1:It's got a lot of fall vibes. Fall vibes okay, they go to a bed and breakfast at the end. I think that's all it is Bed and breakfast. Those are fall. Yeah, john Candy he pops up in a lot of classic movies like a little shop of horrors stripes space balls.
Speaker 2:He's there, but he's kind of behind somebody else home alone I mean he was he's big. In that movie, the rescuers down under, he takes the voice of the seagull wilbur wilbur, and then you start to see in the 90s, before he passes away, that he's starting to take on a lot of more interesting dramatic roles, like in jfk, like there was definitely it's kind of like Chris Farley.
Speaker 1:Like there's runnings is. Yeah, he's a straight man, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Like there's, you can tell that he's starting to take that turn to be like I want to be an actor like I would be really appreciated for my work. So I think it's just a shame that we lost him so early in life because, like he is one of the wants to see more of him doing stuff for sure, but sadly we lost him early on in age. But luckily we still have his movies to watch we do so in that tradition.
Speaker 2:Cory, two names. I need from you a period of time I gotta go first.
Speaker 1:Um, okay, I okay. I was thinking like, for first of all, we could just if I wanted to make this in the 90s yeah, I'm just getting the tommy boy back together. I was doing david spade and Chris Farley.
Speaker 2:Okay, right.
Speaker 1:Okay. However, I would be interested to see him play the opposite.
Speaker 2:Oh, because I don't think.
Speaker 1:David Spade's never shown a lot of dramatic.
Speaker 2:No, I mean, he's, he just played, he can play I think he could be the sympathetic idiot, yeah, whereas Chris Farley I think it be dramatic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, I don't know Spades just. He could be the straight guy, but then it's just Tommy Boy. Damn it, it's just Tommy Boy.
Speaker 2:That's what you're going to get. I will raise you another late 90s, potentially early 2000s. It probably fits best in the late 90s, though, and I would give you the powerhouse.
Speaker 1:Hold on hold on Before you you go, because this matters more to you I just said powerhouse.
Speaker 2:I'm just saying hold on, I'm gonna give you my real answer. Okay, because that's not my real answer. Oh okay, I was just saying tommy boy is pretty much this movie but, um, I would do a modern one and I'm gonna.
Speaker 1:I'm right, I really care mostly about the john candy role. I'll give you two names for the steve martin role okay but like for john candy, I actually want tom hardy, because tom hardy can can play a lovable idiot. I think he's just got a slurred voice about him. He can look really unkempt.
Speaker 2:I could see him.
Speaker 1:yeah, I don't have to fall into the fat guy archetype these days Because you could get a Charlie Day.
Speaker 2:Maybe the lazy answer is like Kevin James fat, lovable guy and it's like I don't want to do that.
Speaker 1:It's like let's just put maybe a conventionally or unconventionally handsome.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You know, because Tom Hardy's weirdly attractive.
Speaker 2:Right, but he shouldn't be for some. You know Exactly.
Speaker 1:It's kind of like Adam.
Speaker 2:Driver.
Speaker 1:You're like.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, You're like I should be hot.
Speaker 1:What's?
Speaker 2:going on.
Speaker 1:But so I want him. And then, when push comes to shove, at the end he's going to break your heart, man. Oh yeah, for sure Like he is, but you tell me, would you have Clooney or Idris Elba in the Steve Martin role, babysitting and unhinged Tom Hardy on a road trip?
Speaker 2:Hmm, hmm, hmm. Clooney, because the thing was Steve Martin's role in this movie. He's a dick through most of the movie and, like you, can be a dick and like it's hard. It's one of the first time, the few times, where you watch Steve Martin like man. You're a jerk, like I don't like. You're likable but it's it's because you're Steve Martin okay, let me give you a name then.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's just, let's just fire them to say you know what?
Speaker 2:we're done with you yeah, yeah john krasinski jim from the office because I think jim's a dick okay. Anytime I watch the office I'm like this guy's an ass. Yeah, yeah, I see what you're saying.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I think he can be the. I think I'm better than everyone else.
Speaker 2:You could put kind of put jim and dwight on the same movie and it would be like the same kind of thing.
Speaker 1:Basically, I just I still want tom hardy yeah that's fair.
Speaker 2:That's fair. Okay, I've seen the vision. It's definitely left field, but I get what you're saying. He probably would be dressed the same way. He's got the mustache.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I could see it. I could see it. Yeah, just take Tom Hardy off the street in a given day where he looks homeless. Right and just say Just give him a giant suitcase and you're good to go, and then at the end it's just really sad and you're crying.
Speaker 2:Now, okay, I'm going to give you the late 90s powerhouse pairing, because we've talked about this, I think, in the past before, but we've never seen these two together in a co-starring movie, and you'll probably balk at it at first, but I'll go ahead and give it to you. Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler.
Speaker 1:Who's who?
Speaker 2:I think Jim is Steve Martin. Because both could do either Both could do either, but I think because Steve Martin's role is very physical comedy.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:And I think Jim would have fun doing that and Adam would have more fun playing a character. Now the caveat is you've got to tell them both like there's a line here that you have to write. It's not Dumb and Dumber, it's not Hubie Halloween, but it's also not Punch Drunk Love and the Majestic. You've got to find that middle right there where you're.
Speaker 1:Well, it's a dramedy. Yeah, it's a dramedy.
Speaker 2:So it's like you're still being Jim Carrey and you're still being kind of goofy Adam Sandler. But it has heart to it too and Adam Sandler has that ability. To him he's like yeah, he's to wear a suit and look like a stiff.
Speaker 1:Basically, what's wild is, either can do it right, you could flip it and it could still work.
Speaker 2:But I just think it's like this is a perfect concoction for them to finally play off of each other, because that's kind of the thing you think about when you're like okay, what would it Adam Sandler, jim Carrey movie look like, other than the word chaos coming to mind? But I think it it grounds them enough that they could exist in their own universe together, okay, so, so that's that's my pitch to you. I like it a little late 90s, addition to the crazy run they both had in the 90s I like it for sure, for sure.
Speaker 2:So yeah, any other thoughts. What are you gonna give me? A different version you?
Speaker 1:just gave me a late 90s oh, no, that was my version.
Speaker 2:Oh, I thought you. I thought you said you're giving me a late 90s. Oh, no, no, no, that was my version. Oh, I thought you said you were getting a late 90s in a different version. Oh, no, no. Sorry, I misled you. I was like come on, and what's the other one? Much like Thanksgiving, corey. It was a little bit of a letdown there.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, I just thought there was more coming, oh sorry, and here's another reason we can't do this on a normal episode now, thinking about 18 different other pairs sure, sure, this is like the face. This is original idea was this just to be about the movie?
Speaker 2:face off if we ever do our plan for for face off, we could also do a planes, trains and automobiles one too, you know?
Speaker 1:yeah, it's true, it's fair because I mean could travolta and cage do planes?
Speaker 2:hmm, I don't know, but could john candy and steve barton do face off?
Speaker 1:absolutely, and I'd watch every damn second when john candy's trying to cut his own face off, and so that's great. This and see, this is what ai should be doing, just like the things that hollywood's not actually going to make this is what it should be used.
Speaker 2:We just need.
Speaker 1:I want to see five minutes of this, please, like there should be a board yeah me and you should be on it, and people can pitch their ai things and we can say no, absolutely we could actually make that.
Speaker 2:We've made five years of credentials yeah, but this john candy's dead I want to see it, you're well let's, let's see what happens, let me know when it's done in 30 minutes, if and so um, but yeah, no, that's man okay all right, I'm trying to think a movie.
Speaker 1:Okay, let me give you this, though judd nelson is steve martin in the 80s yeah, yeah, who is who would be his gotta give me a brat packer here, brat packer.
Speaker 2:Well, I can't, I'm not gonna say robert dayne jr, because he literally was due date was a thing yeah, but he would be the opposite.
Speaker 1:He'd be the, the, the, the galvanacus, and this one you could be the galvanacus you could get.
Speaker 2:Oh, oh, what's, what's his co-star from from the other 80s movie, uh?
Speaker 1:oh, there's a lot of those, the great the?
Speaker 2:uh, not dana california. Uh, is that? Is that james spader? James spader, yeah, robert california, robert california, thank, you spader would be kind of fun. I, because he's not really that like I just don't know if he's comedic I think, wait, he was my favorite character in the office oh cool, but that's that was leaning into his creepiness dark creepy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that just leans into it, it's not like really the, the sympathetic oaf, if you will uh, I don't know.
Speaker 2:We get norm from cheers oh man, that'd be good there you go, yeah, give me judd, nelson and ge Because you're going to feel it when you realize that his spoilers that his wife's been dead for 10 years.
Speaker 1:Oh man, that's going to.
Speaker 2:That was right out of the hat, right there that was good.
Speaker 1:I miss George Wendt.
Speaker 2:Really you could just get Norm and the main crap. Now my brain shot off again, but the main character from Cheers.
Speaker 1:Ted Danson. Ted Danson, that would have been a great movie. That would have been a good one. Okay, I'm trying to think who's related to George Way? Here's my only, jason.
Speaker 2:Sudeikis, sudeikis.
Speaker 1:Oh no, he's like his nephew.
Speaker 2:Interesting. Here's my one question about Trains, planes and Automobiles, corey, is that there was a lot of footage. Apparently they shot. A lot of it was cut out, but we have no like. Clearly there there's like this idea that there's like tension between them or something, but all we see is just like glances out the window as they're like lying in bed and then when they get home, it's just like they have this long engaged, look like they haven't seen each other in years or like they had left after a fight or something. But and maybe I just missed it in the movie or something but he gets there and they stare at each other forever and the family's just like. Nobody sits there and goes. You, you guys. Okay, did something happen?
Speaker 1:I need to rewatch it. I haven't seen it since. I watched it last night and I just I couldn't find any.
Speaker 2:I was like where's the, where's the story here, like what's really going on?
Speaker 1:The wife I don't know man.
Speaker 2:It's a mystery, unsolved mystery. Well, that's our Thanksgiving episode of Quantum Recon. We hope that we have prepared you for Thanksgiving. We've given you plenty of distractions.
Speaker 1:I hope we got you jazzed about Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:You got a watch list going. That's true, yeah.
Speaker 1:If nothing else, hopefully you're just like hell. Yeah, I'm going to watch Chicken Run. Then we've done our job you know, or Legend.
Speaker 2:Right, right If your grandma has a VHS recording in her back pocket For some reason, for some weird reason.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay, I mean. So I mean we just hope you're like more enthused about Hopefully this is the spark that ignites a resurgence in fall Thanksgiving movies where people slow down on Christmas.
Speaker 2:There you go. Yeah, we're just trying to fight back against the Christmas empire.
Speaker 1:Corey, my birthday is December 2nd and I should like my birthday should be the start of Christmas.
Speaker 2:That's true, it should.
Speaker 1:Instead it's like I feel like I've been in it for two months.
Speaker 2:We watch every year around your birthday. That's right, so that's the only way to start.
Speaker 1:Christmas Thanksgiving episode. Please tune in for our next episode, which I'm sure will be Christmas themed. I'm sure, I'm sure we're still working.
Speaker 2:Some ideas. Yeah, maybe I'm plotting over here. Don't worry, we'll figure it out. I'm ready, we'll figure it out.
Speaker 1:But so tune in, we'll ramble about Christmas. For some reason, I'll be cranky, I'll be the Scrooge. You enjoyed this. Let us know if any of these movies make your watch list, or let us know if we forgot one, because I'm sure we did. I'm sure there's some really precious intricate thanksgiving movie that we're just. That's just staring us in the face that we have not probably someone's screaming it right now tanner ash cash alley ash doesn't get a say he's not from this country.
Speaker 1:I guess I'm sorry, I don't know what they celebrate we need to introduce him to Thanksgiving.
Speaker 2:He'll spread the good word and then it will become an English holiday, even though they hate Americans. What about?
Speaker 1:the Patriot. That's not, it's all. When Mel Gibson's hacking redcoats, it's like the leaves are changing, maybe, maybe when the redcoats set a church full of people on fire, it feels very fall.
Speaker 2:Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
Speaker 1:That's Christmas, Danny, Sorry, sorry sorry, they've got me All right, all right, okay. So that was our Thanksgiving episode. Hope you enjoyed it. Say goodnight, nick.
Speaker 2:Goodnight Nick.